Firstly, thank you very much for your patience.
We have thought long and hard about this and looked at all options whilst consulting with all the statutory bodies, runbritain and of course following the latest government advice.
It is clear to us that it is in the best health and safety interests of you, our runners, our own team and volunteers if we reschedule our Spring events. This covers our March, April and May events. This is the Smugglers 10k, Howletts Spring 5k, Chatham Maritime 10k, Bridge 5k, The Island Run and the University of Kent Canterbury 10k.
Based on the current medical data available the outbreak would appear to continuing for some time hence we have taken this decision on all of these, but we obviously await and monitor this advice.
So, what does this mean for you? We will automatically transfer you to the new date of the event you had already registered for. We do not currently have the dates available yet, but we will contact all of you once we do have this. Please bear with us whilst we get this sorted.
We will put further measures in place if you can not make the rescheduled date, with the option of transferring to another of our events.
We love the sport, and we will be back. We are committed to delivering great events for everyone who runs. We are desperately disappointed that we have had to make this decision, but it is the only right and reasonable one.
We ask that you are patient whilst we sort this all out. However we would like to thank you so much for all your support so far and into the future. We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Sporting Events UK